Tuesday, October 26, 2010

"2084: The Beasts of Orwellian Burden (Entry 2)"

"Scarecrows Watching"

Alone we hand to witness the crimes,
Brutal seasons of Holocaustic passions.
Forgotten images of simpler times,
The Ones who watch through falling ashes.
Oh, what visions we must endure,
As flesh and blood corrupts the pure!

Not alive and yet...not dead,
Nailed to our twisted trees.
Staring out 'cross fields of red,
Soaked in the blood of burdened beasts.
Oh, what bitter view we have
As mankind shows its darkest half...

You can't judge
What is only made of straw.

And when yesterdays become a haze
Beneath their cloud of hypocrisy,
Let only the bad fade away,
Away from battered memory
Oh, what dire fate our futures hold
As nations create a war so cold.

But you can't judge
What is only made of straw.

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